Military veterans transitioning from service to community college bring experiences that can be incredible assets to a classroom along with others that can be barriers to success. Hearing loss, a commonly overlooked disability in the veteran population, is often one of these barriers. This panel will discuss findings of focus groups conducted with student veterans with hearing loss that provide insight to the unique educational needs of these students and best practices for their success in the STEM classroom and how they can be applied in the online setting.
Panelists include: Saddleback College Veterans Education and Transition Services (VETS) Program Coordinator Terence Nelson, PhD candidate at Northern Illinois University and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Hira Byrne Paulin, and Alternative Media Specialist Mike Sauter.
Real-time captioning will be provided during the webinar. For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations please contact Hira Paulin at [email protected]. At least a one week advance notice of need for accommodations is requested.
This event will run July 16, 2020 3:00-4:30 pm EDT. Those interested can register to attend using this...