HI-TEC 2023 Registration Now Open


A screenshot of a banner promoting the HI-TEC conference

Connect with colleagues and update your knowledge and skills at HI-TEC this year!

HI-TEC is a national conference on advanced technological education where secondary and postsecondary educators, counselors, industry professionals, trade organizations, and technicians can update their knowledge and skills. Charged with preparing America’s skilled technical workforce, the event focuses on the preparation needed by the existing and future workforce for companies in the high-tech sectors that drive our nation’s economy.

The annual conference is perfect for: 

  • Community College and University Educators
  • High School Educators
  • Workforce Development Advocates
  • Trade Organizations
  • Industry Professionals
  • Technicians

This year's conference will be held at the Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center, July 24–27. Pre-conference events will be held July 24–25. Read more and register on the HI-TEC website

Upcoming Webinar: Implementing UDL in Your School & District


The purple logo for CAST

Join CAST for a free webinar with experts on implementing UDL! 

Learn how to support all of your students, including those who are not performing up to their potential. As the founders of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), CAST is world renowned for its innovative professional development. Let us help your teachers build the pedagogical skills they need to support their under-performing students and help you to build school- and district-wide systems that will support your teachers!

This informative webinar about CAST’s Professional Learning model could start your school or district on its journey to improved teaching and learning.

The webinar is Wednesday, March 22, 2023 from 4:00PM – 5:00PM ET. Register here!

New Brief: Implementation, Equity Inquiries, & Universal Design for Learning


A screenshot of the SISEP website

A unique and amazing partnership between four centers led to the development of this brief on connecting Implementation, Equity Inquiries, Universal Design for Learning, and Multi-Tiered System of Support. This brief explains how four important system design initiatives frequently promoted by state and local education agencies for school improvement can be implemented through an intentional systematic approach for a powerful, positive impact on student outcomes.

The brief, titled Increasing Equity in Education through Stage-based Implementation of Universal Design for Learning in a Multi-Tiered System of Support, comes from the SWIFT SchoolsGreat Lakes Equity/MAP CenterNational Implementation Research Network (NIRN), and State Implementation and Scaling-up of Evidence-based Practices Center (SISEP). 

Read or download. the full brief on the SISEP website!

Upcoming Event: Electric Vehicles Battery Tech USA 2023 Exhibition and Conference


A screenshot from the conference's webpage with the name of the conference

The world's fleet of electric vehicles grew to over 6 million units last year. Within a decade, there will be enough electric cars on the road for every person in California, as global electric vehicle ownership is estimated to reach 20 million units by 2025. Learn more about electric cars at the Electric Vehicles Battery Tech USA 2023 Exhibition and Conference, March 6-7 in at the Hyatt Regency Orange County, California. 

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New Report: Connections between Industry and Community Colleges


A screenshot of the Harvard Report

A new report from the Managing the Future of Work Project at the Harvard Business School found that many people training and applying for jobs remain ill-equipped to enter the workforce. Report co-author, Manjari Raman, said to NPR: 

"Businesses thought it's enough to sit in advisory councils at the local community college. Very often the people on those councils are retired small business owners. You're not really seeing engagement from large employers … going to a community college and saying, ‘Look, I need about 50 or 60 or maybe 500 people to come and work for me. Here is the kind of workforce readiness I need. This is what I need in the curriculum.'"

The report says that communication is lacking between employers and community colleges. The report states that critical middle-skills positions are unfilled resulting in revenues are lost, and customers are dissatisfied. At the same time, some students come out of the community college system only to find that they are unemployable in their field of study or at a living wage. Employers do not find them “workforce ready” and capable of carrying out the more sophisticated technology-promoted tasks associated with middle-skills...

2023 Community College Innovation Challenge


An image from the CCIC promoting their challenge

The CCIC is led by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) in partnership with the National Science Foundation (NSF). It is a national competition where community college student teams, working with a faculty or administrator mentor, use science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to innovate solutions to real-world problems; participate in an Innovation Boot Camp; and compete for cash awards.

AACC is pleased to announce that planning is underway to hold the Innovation Boot Camp as an in-person event in the Washington, D.C. area on June 12-15, 2023—and full travel support will be provided to the finalist teams to attend.

The Boot Camp provides professional development, mentoring, and coaching designed to build strategic communication and entrepreneurial skills to help students advance their innovations in both the private and public sectors. The event culminates in a poster session and engagement opportunity with STEM leaders and Congressional stakeholders, and a pitch presentation in front of a panel of industry and entrepreneurial professionals to determine the first, second, and third place winning teams.

The national CCIC is designed to enable...

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New Report: Diversity and STEM


A screenshot of the NSF and NCSES logos

A new report from NSF's National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) provides high-level insights from multiple data sources into the diversity of the STEM workforce in the United States. Some key takeaways were concerning workforce, education, and degrees were: 

  • The U.S. STEM workforce gradually diversified between 2011 and 2021, with increased representation of women and underrepresented minorities
  • Persons with a disability who worked part time in an STEM-related occupation in 2021 reported wanting to work full time at about twice the rate of those without a disability
  • Underrepresented minorities—Hispanic, Black, and American Indian or Alaska Native individuals—made up a higher share of the skilled technical workforce in 2021 than of workers who were employed in STEM occupations with at least a bachelor’s degree
  • In 2020, women were underrepresented among degree recipients at all degree levels in physical and earth sciences, mathematics and computer sciences, and engineering

The full report can be accessed on the NSF website

New NSF Book: Leading Change in Gender and Diversity in Higher Education from Margins to Mainstream


The cover of the book Leading Change in Gender and Diversity in Higher Education from Margins to Mainstream

A new book, with NSF-funded authors, is now available. The book, titled Leading Change in Gender and Diversity in Higher Education from Margins to Mainstream, has many chapters relating to the intersection of STEM, higher education, and diversity. Of particular interest to ATE Grantees may be the chapter "Improving gender diversity in STEM through an inclusive professional framework."

Each of the book's four sections topics unpack and speak to gender and diversity, equity, inclusion and access, social justice, and leadership and sustainability in higher education institutions (HEIs). Incorporating innovative processes and methods, the researchers address how the experiences of groups who have been subordinated and marginalized can be heard, proposing a re-imagination of empowerment and leadership within higher education and best practices for the benefit of ongoing higher education development.

This book is ideal reading for higher education leaders, students on higher education courses, leadership courses, gender in education, as well as researchers, practitioners, for topics of gender and diversity, equity, inclusion and access, social justice, leadership and sustainability. 


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Upcoming Webcast: CCPI-STEM Webcast


The logo for Community College Presidents' Initiative in STEM (CCPI-STEM)

The Community College Presidents' Initiative in STEM (CCPI-STEM), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), is designed to further engage community college leadership in the support of regional STEM education and workforce development through NSF ATE grants.  There is a national clarion call for a diverse workforce with STEM backgrounds for the millions of employment opportunities that remain unfilled.  

Join us on January 30, 2023 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm ET for the first of a series of Webcasts that will highlight the vision and mission of the grant with a focus on the 2-year sector. 

Participants will hear about the various opportunities to participate in regional dialogue and collaboration, receive support to learn more about the NSF's Advanced Technological Education funding program, and join a growing Community College network designed to address STEM education and workforce needs.

Please use this link to Register by January 28, 2023.

Higher Ed News Round Up: ChatGPT


An image of a young adult on a computer with an OpenAi logo next to them

Community colleges and universities currently grapple with declining enrollments and soaring costs, among other issues. The latest item of concern is the surge of AI in educational settings, which has set off a frenzy of opinion pieces. ATE Central has round up several recent news sources regarding the use of AI in the classroom, in favor or against. 

In favor of a nuanced use of AI for the Atlantic, Ian Bogost writes that "ChatGPT isn’t a step along the path to an artificial general intelligence that understands all human knowledge and texts; it’s merely an instrument for playing with all that knowledge and all those texts... [AI apps] are surely not going to replace college or magazines or middle managers. But they do offer those and other domains a new instrument—that’s really the right word for it—with which to play with an unfathomable quantity of textual material."

An NPR article offers a look at how educators are viewing AI apps in the classroom from essays to homework. Another piece from Mind Matters expresses discontent on how easily technology makes writing work and homework now. 

Finally, the New York Times writes about the impact of AI on campuses. An op-ed from them...

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