For all of us in the ATE community some portion of our time is spent figuring out how to tell our project or center story – connecting with audiences and stakeholders about our work and the impact it’s having on students, faculty, institutions, and industry. Let's face it, most of us already have a pretty full plate. Between activities related to the work outlined in our grants and responsibilities at our home institutions as well, (and little or no background in marketing) it can be difficult to add outreach into the mix. It’s a situation most of us in the ATE community are familiar with – we are tasked with broadening the impact of our work by NSF through outreach and dissemination to appropriate audiences, but we don’t always have a concrete plan in place for how to go about it. That’s when it’s great to have access to best practice from a group like Hershey Cause Communications who have created an array of wonderful toolkits, guides, and other materials specifically designed with non-profits in mind.