The Green Center
The Green Center (GC), a project of Bristol Community College, promotes sustainable practices in the Massachusetts area through workforce training and community education. Partnering with residents, students and educators, local business leaders, and community organizations, the GC is working to make Southeastern Massachusetts a healthier and more sustainable place to live. A variety of programs give participants opportunities to expand their skills and prepare for the growing job market in green technology. The training programs include a general introduction to green energy technologies as well as specific courses in weatherization installation and business development and solar panel installation. In addition, the GC offers a Green Enterprise Certificate Program, which is designed for representatives of for-profit, non-profit, and institutional enterprises who want to reduce their energy, water, paper, and materials usage.
Because courses involve varied time commitments (from just a few days to several months) and cover several topics, they meet the needs of a large cross-section of the students interested in green technology careers. It is the Green Center's hope that through its courses and training programs, its community members will live more sustainably and become leaders in the green economy.