Access Tech Careers: Improving Access to Technological Education Programs and Careers for Community College Students With Learning Disabilities
The goal of this project is to increase the number of students with learning disabilities who pursue and graduate from technological education programs and either continue their academic pursuit of four-year technological degrees, or gain employment as successful technology workforce employees. Landmark College, a two-year college for students with learning disabilities and attention disorders, conducted a series of needs assessments of three community college technology programs and regional technology employers to develop a professional development program, based on best practices. The professional development materials cover a number of areas of struggle for students in technology-related courses, including mathematics and science instruction, mastering complex vocabulary, study skills, and metacognitive strategies to help students assess their own understanding. These materials are designed to be useful guides to instructors, students, employers, and those wishing to know more about assistive technology resources. All are available through the Access Tech Careers website.