Digital Fabrication Learning Community
This ATE project teaches next generation manufacturing strategies to students by building on the successful Fab Lab (Fabrication Laboratory) concept. Fab Labs are comprised of off-the-shelf, industrial-grade fabrication and electronics tools combined with open source software.
This particular Fab Lab is a unique Learning Center that enhances student classes and provides for an outreach program in the Fox Valley. Local schools join the Fox Valley Fab Lab in creating and constructing projects that relate to their curriculum and learn science, technology, engineering and math along the way. The Fox Valley Fab Lab gives students the opportunity to create, invent, and build their own creations as well as connect and collaborate with other Fab Labs around the world.
Using webinars, workshops, mentoring, web portals and a national symposium, the program's materials and resources are being widely disseminated to encourage others to use the resources being developed. On the site, visitors will find information about the Lab, equipment and resources, staff, classes, and an image gallery.