Landscaping, Operations, Construction and Architectural Design/Drafting/Interior Design Technical Education for High Performance (LOCATE)
The Landscaping, Operations, Construction and Architecture Technical Education (LOCATE) project aims to supply regional building related industries with workers who are skilled in sustainable development, particularly for the conditions in the Pacific Northwest. The project builds on previous activities to provide professional development to faculty and teachers in fields such as architectural drafting and design, building construction technology, building maintenance technology, energy management and landscape technology in the Pacific Northwest on sustainable development. Regional businesses in these fields have already identified the need for workers educated in sustainable technologies, which minimizes impact on ecosystems and maximizes resource efficiency. The Summer Sustainability Institutes introduce 60 instructors annually to broad concepts, theories and issues central to sustainable design, building, and operations so that they can incorporate them into their courses. Activities to help instructors address the needs of underrepresented minorities are also provided.