This fact-filled, 112-page report assembled pro bono by Deloitte Consulting for the New England Council examines the past, present, and future of advanced manufacturing in New England. Far from a moribund pronouncement about the offshoring of production jobs, Advanced to Advantageous: The Case for New England's Manufacturing Revolution argues that the region is poised for big breakthroughs in advanced manufacturing. The draft begins with a four-section chapter on key findings from interviews with New England's diverse stakeholders, including segments on Where We Are Now, Where We Are Going, How We Get There, and An Action Plan for New England. The report then delves into chapters on such topics as Industry Growth Trends, Employment Trends, Emerging Economics, and other issues, before examining five Industry Clusters. The colorful charts, graphs, and tables peppered throughout the document make this report as readable as it is informative. Readers can find more information on the Advanced to Advantageous report by visiting the ATE@20 blog or by reading this article from the New England Journal of Higher Education.