The newest version of the very popular ATE Impacts Book will be published in 2018 and will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ATE program, as well as highlighting the amazing work of the ATE community. And, along with providing information about the ATE centers, this next version of the publication will also include information about 24 ATE projects and their impacts.
How will the featured projects be chosen? We're glad you asked!
We are currently accepting nominations for projects from the community–this means that you can nominate yourself or another project that you think is doing innovative and exemplary work. Please download a copy of the ATE Impacts Project Nomination Form that explains what we need in order to consider a project for inclusion in the 2018-19 book. Please fill out the nomination form and return it to us (along with the required materials) by October 13th at [email protected]. Please keep in mind that in order to be included, nominated projects must be funded through at least part of 2018.
So put your thinking caps on and don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions – email us at [email protected].