Formative Assessment Systems for ATE 2 (FAS4ATE2) is a workshop project focused on improving the capture of data on student learning in professional development (PD). Our team has developed a toolkit to assist with this challenging task. To pilot test the toolkit, we are seeking 10 pairs of ATE Principal Investigators and Evaluators with their PD projects focused on student learning in any level and any content. The pilot process will include two preparatory webinars and a one-day face to face workshop on the Tuesday before the ATE PI conference in 2020.
As a participant, you will receive support and training from international and US experts to improve your PD planning, implementation, and learning outcomes. Throughout the project, you will create tailored products for your PD including participant applications and contracts, assessment items, and tools for capturing intent to use and participant and student learning outcomes. Participation in the project will assist you to better demonstrate the impacts of your project on teachers and their students for NSF reporting. The tools and lessons will be transferrable; you will be able implement the same processes in other PD projects.
Workshop organizers are seeking pairs of PIs and evaluators who work on PD projects that offer training of 1 or more days to classroom teachers on content that they will then deliver to students in their home classrooms (train the trainer model). Your PD project will need to run a full cycle from application/recruitment through your training to classroom deployment from approximately Nov 2020-Dec 2021. Dates can be modified if needed.
The workshop is estimated to require 2-3 days’ work over 2020-2021, and participants will receive one night of lodging and per diem reimbursement for the in person workshop, plus morning and afternoon tea and lunch on the workshop day. Selected evaluators who do not have funds to attend the ATE PI Conference can apply for a travel scholarship to help cover flight costs.
Those interested in participating should submit an application by January 31, 2020.