Writing an NSF ATE program track proposal and need budget assistance? The National Science Foundation's (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program grant proposal writing process can seem daunting to those new to the ATE program. Each year, Mentor-Connect offers a detailed cost-free technical assistance webinar highlighting all aspects of the budget and budget justification for those building competitive grant proposals for ATE.
The purpose of this webinar is to help those who have not been funded by NSF to develop fundable proposals. Webinar Participants will learn: how to prepare a budget for their NSF ATE grant, what to include in each budget category, how to prepare a budget justification, how to align the budget and project description, and how to avoid common errors.
Join presenters on Thursday, March 12, 01:00-02:30 pm EDT. The webinar will be recorded, so sign up even if you can't attend to get a copy of the recorded presentation emailed to you. Presented by Mentor Connect.