The deadline to submit your project’s or center’s required ATE Connects Session materials is October 7, 2020. All ATE projects and centers are required to do so.
The ATE Connects session is a key component of this year’s virtual conference and offers ATE projects and centers the opportunity to network and connect with conference participants, explore the ATE community, and engage in the sharing of information, resources, and materials related to their programs.
All ATE projects and centers should prepare a one-page PDF handout as well as a 90-second video or audio PowerPoint presentation that highlights some of their key innovations. First-time grantees are not required to create a 90-second video or audio file, but may choose to do so. As part of the ATE Connects submission process, each grant will also be asked to provide contact information, a session abstract, and a relevant URL and/or social media handles (if available). ATE Connects submissions will be grouped by STEM discipline categories, and searchable by STEM technician education focus areas, which can be selected upon completing the submission form. For more detailed submission guidelines, visit the ATE PI Conference website’s ATE Connects page.
The ATE Connects session will take place live on Tuesday, October 20 from 2:45 – 4:00 p.m. EDT. To submit your session materials, use this form.