Like all other ATE projects and centers, ATE Central will have an ATE Connects session at this year's PI Conference. We hope you will stop by and say hello! In addition, we will host two conference sessions. See information on those sessions below:
Archiving with ATE Central
Wednesday, October 21, 1:00 – 1:30 p.m. EDT
Making the deliverables of your grant available through the ATE Central resource portal ensures discoverability and long-term access to your work. Adding a Creative Commons license before submission can encourage others to further share, use, and build upon a work that you created. Please join ATE Central staff as we demonstrate how to select and affix Creative Commons licenses to sample resources and how to submit those resources to ATE Central via the archive submission form. This event will be pre-recorded and delivered synchronously with live presenter chat.
Creating Video Content and Webinars – Best Practice and Accessibility
Wednesday, October 21, 3:10 – 4:00 p.m. EDT
Webinars and videos are critical tools for many of us in the ATE community and now, during COVID-19, they present unique opportunities and challenges for projects and centers. Join us to learn tips and tricks from our experts including gaining a better understanding of how to increase accessibility for all participants and users, including those with disabilities. Other key discussion points include how to encourage engagement, strategies for recruiting participants, and dissemination pathways. This event will be pre-recorded and delivered synchronously with live presenter chat.