EvaluateUR-CURE, a method for evaluating course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs), is currently in development and the next round of pilot testing is set for the 2021-2022 academic year. Pilot testing of E-CURE is open to all faculty. Faculty teaching courses with research experiences (CUREs) at community colleges are especially encouraged to apply.
In common with EvaluateUR, EvaluateUR-CURE has about a dozen student outcome categories, each defined by several outcome components. In order to assess student progress, each component is scored both by the student researcher and his or her faculty mentor using a five-point scale and accompanying rubric.
Beginning on December 8, 2020, applications will be open. Selections will be made for the 2021-2022 academic year. Applications received after this date will be considered only if available sites are open. The organizers anticipate identifying up to 10 sites for the pilot.
A modest stipend is provided for participating in the pilot and providing feedback. This project is funded by NSF ATE #1836033.