AccessATE Tip Sheet: Workplace Communication and Safety for Physical Disabilities

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A woman in a wheel chair and a woman seated at a table share coffee and converse.

It can be a challenge to talk to potential industry employers about workplace communication and safety for employees with disabilities. Check out this tip sheet from DeafTEC and AccessATE on Workplace Communication and Safety for Physical Disabilities for helpful hints and resources to prepare you to discuss these topics with industry partners and advocate for your students. 

This resource covers tips for communicating with individuals with disabilities and ensuring people with physical disabilities can be safe in the workplace, as well as links to additional useful resources. To learn more, be sure to read the AccessATE blog post on using Person-First or Identity-First language to describe people with disabilities. 

AccessATE supports the work of the NSF-funded Advanced Technological Education (ATE) projects and centers in making the materials and activities they develop more accessible for all students and faculty, including those with disabilities. The project aims to increase awareness and understanding of accessibility requirements and provide guidance, tools, and support that offers solutions and helps achieve compliance with accessibility standards.

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