The National Science Foundation has announced a new program initiative for individuals in EPSCoR states in response to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The initiative, called EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Program: Bridging EPSCoR Communities (RII-BEC), seeks to bridge programs to facilitate the transitions of affected groups (e.g., women, underrepresented minorities, research trainees, and graduate fellows) from one stage of STEM training to the next.
The initiative will accept proposals that support those individuals most strongly affected by the pandemic at vulnerable career transition points. Proposals may include partnerships within and/or across two-year and four-year institutions (including community colleges).
The deadline for proposal submission is April 4, 2022 at 5:00 pm (local time). Interested proposers are encouraged to reach out to Andrea Johnson or Subrata Acharya with questions about proposal preparation and submission.