If you are working with a currently funded ATE project, please join the ATE Office Hours this June 10 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm CST for a special discussion on Drone Safety Day. Drone Safety Day is June 18th, and highlights drone awareness events across the country.
ATE will be holding this event with special guests from the National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). ATE and these guests will facilitate a fun and interactive session for the ATE community to learn more about Drone Safety Day and how your project can engage in the day. NCAT is hosting information for Drone Safety Day; their website has more information about the Drone Safety Day events and topics such as education, equity, economics, emergencies, and the environment.
ATE Office Hours is a space for the ATE community to communicate and learn from each other, discover collaborators, and find solutions for challenges. Each interactive video conference is limited to 50 ATE grantees.
Once you sign up, you'll get a confirmation email containing the video conference link. If you'd like to be invited to upcoming ATE Office Hours events, please send us an email with your name and grant number.
Read more about ATE Office Hour's session on June 10 and register here.