Report Shows Education Correlates to Economic Gains

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A chart from Pew Research Center, depicting the percentage of adults who moved up and down income tiers.

Did you see our tweet last week? A recent report from Pew Research Center affirms the connection between education and economic status.

According to report authors Rakesh Kochhar and Stella Sechopoulous, "the transience of economic status varies significantly across racial and ethnic groups and by level of education..." This recent report shows that groups with lower levels of education are less likely to see economic gains or progression. Lower education levels are linked to economic regression. 

There was substantial variation among racial and ethnic groups. The report shows about a fifth of Black, and Hispanic adults experienced regressions from the middle-income to the lower-income tier. Additionally, a smaller number of Black adults and Hispanic adults moved up income tiers than White adults and Asian adults. 

The report also studied the role of education in income tiers. The authors found that adults with at least a bachelor's degree were three times as likely as those who did not finish high school to move from the middle to the upper-income tier. Furthermore, college graduates were more likely than those with a high school diploma or only some college education to move up from the middle-income tier. 

This report highlights the importance of community colleges' role in providing access to quality education for underserved groups and also ATE's role in providing funding for STEM initiatives. Those interested can find more information on ATE's role in community college STEM programs in ATE's upcoming Impacts book

Read the full Pew report here and for more news like this, make sure to follow ATE Central's Twitter. 

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