A report by the staffing company, Express Employment International, investigates skilled technical worker's attitudes on several questions, such as what do workers think about their work? Do they feel confident, anxious, or uncertain about their employment and futures?
The report reveals several positive perspectives:
- Over 90 percent of skilled technical workers are proud of their work
- 74 percent of United States skilled technical workers have a good career path
- 73 percent believe more young adults should pursue careers in their field
- 67 percent believe COVID changed how society views their work
Skilled technical workers are defined as employees who perform manual labor and work in agriculture, automotive services, construction, maintenance, manufacturing, transpiration, or utilities. Although six in 10 skilled technical workers think society looks down on their profession, 60 percent of workers believe having a skilled job is respected more now than it was ten years ago.
Read the full report on Express Employment International's website.