A new effort to increase the number of community college students transferring to some of America’s most elite colleges and universities was launched today, focused in particular on increasing enrollment by students from lower-income backgrounds and communities of color.
The Transfer Scholars Network (TSN), supported by the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program and the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, brings together community colleges and four-year colleges in an attempt to open a new pipeline for transfer students. Over the course of the past 18-month pilot, the TSN has shown great results. The preliminary results show:
- More than a third of the 372 TSN students applied to the four-year institutions in the network.
- After the admissions cycle in Spring 2022, at least 20 percent of TSN students who applied to four-year partner colleges received offers of admission, greater than the average admission rate of 15.6 percent at these schools.
- At least two-thirds of students receiving offers of admission enrolled at one of the partner colleges.
- Dozens of additional TSN students have enrolled at other high-graduation-rate colleges across the country.
This initiative shows a growing trend of recognition of the importance of community colleges and their students. Read more about the Transfer Scholars Network on their website.