Do you have an innovative practice or cutting-edge research you want to share with your colleagues from around the world? The Call for Presentations for the 2023 NISOD International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence is open. Community college staff and faculty are invited to submit a presentation proposal that focuses on best and promising practices that increase student success at community and technical colleges.
Preconference Seminar proposals are due December 16, 2022 and Breakout Session/Roundtable Discussion proposals are due February 10, 2023.
The conference covers the following themes:
- Emerging Issues and Trends at Community and Technical Colleges
- Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice
- Online, Face-to-Face, and Hybrid Teaching and Learning
- Student Services, Support, and Success
- Using Technology to Improve Student and Organizational Outcomes
- Workforce Preparation and Development
To present at the NISOD’s annual conference, you must be employed by a community college, technical college, or not-for-profit organization or university, or represent a conference sponsor.
More information can be found on the NISOD website.