STEM students may be interested in attending National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCyTE) Center's upcoming virtual career fair.
Students can attend the fair on September 22, 2023, and follow along as the National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCyTE) along with the Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) in cybersecurity community presents the highly anticipated National Cybersecurity Virtual Career Fair (VCF). This event is an opportunity for both students and alumni hailing from over 300 distinguished institutions, including Centers of Academic Excellence in Research (CAE-R), Cyber Defense (CAE-CD), and Cyber Operations (CAE-CO), as well as institutions awaiting approval under the Candidate's Program.
What sets the National Cybersecurity VCF apart is its unwavering commitment to fostering connections between aspiring cybersecurity professionals and industry-leading employers. Employers can also join the VCF interest list and showcase their organization to a diverse array of top-tier talent. With the continuous expansion of the CAE in Cybersecurity program, each year brings a surge in student participation, with the previous year boasting a remarkable turnout of over 1100 students and alumni.
More information and registration can be found on NcyTE website.