NSF Org: |
DUE Division Of Undergraduate Education |
Recipient: |
Initial Amendment Date: | August 21, 2008 |
Latest Amendment Date: | May 31, 2012 |
Award Number: | 0832874 |
Award Instrument: | Continuing Grant |
Program Manager: |
Gerhard L. Salinger
DUE Division Of Undergraduate Education EDU Directorate for STEM Education |
Start Date: | August 15, 2008 |
End Date: | January 31, 2013 (Estimated) |
Total Intended Award Amount: | $1,599,997.00 |
Total Awarded Amount to Date: | $1,599,997.00 |
Funds Obligated to Date: |
FY 2009 = $602,793.00 |
History of Investigator: |
Recipient Sponsored Research Office: |
3100 MARINE ST Boulder CO US 80309-0001 (303)492-6221 |
Sponsor Congressional District: |
Primary Place of Performance: |
3100 MARINE ST Boulder CO US 80309-0001 |
Primary Place of
Performance Congressional District: |
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): |
Parent UEI: |
NSF Program(s): | Advanced Tech Education Prog |
Primary Program Source: |
04000910DB NSF Education & Human Resource |
Program Reference Code(s): |
Program Element Code(s): |
Award Agency Code: | 4900 |
Fund Agency Code: | 4900 |
Assistance Listing Number(s): | 47.076 |
The University of Colorado Institute for Behavioral Science provides the coordination and oversight for implementation of a group of research projects designed to engage four-year college educational researchers with two-year college faculty in research to foster deeper understanding of the context, challenges and opportunities of technician education at two-year colleges. Twenty researchers from eight institutions propose ten diverse, but interrelated, research studies on program improvement, curriculum and materials development, and crosscutting themes such as recruitment and sustainability in the ATE program. Collectively the research represents various technical features, including survey development and piloting, model development and definition, and workshop and support materials development. The research is coordinated and guided by the Research Review Committee made up of ATE Center directors, educational researchers and industry representatives. The research into practice should provide useful information for ATE projects and centers and build capacity to do research in technician education.
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