Geoexchange Initiative
Gateway Technical College (GTC) in conjunction with 2DX2 Geothermal Systems, Inc. 2DX2, Alliant Energy, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources are addressing the needs for qualified earth drillers with expertise in geoexchange drilling techniques by 1) adapting a military water well drilling curriculum for use in geothermal drilling courses; and 2) providing professional development for GTC faculty that are teaching the curriculum. The drilling curriculum is inherently interdisciplinary and requires an understanding of mathematics, chemistry, geology and physics. The drilling curriculum adapted from the military assumes expertise in heavy equipment operations and includes topics in military operations, pumps and well development. These topics are being replaced by units in safety, heavy equipment handling, maintenance and transport. Making a drilling curriculum available at a public technical college allows underrepresented groups to enter the field and GTC is attempting to recruit unemployed, underemployed, and dislocated workers into this program. This program also aims to help reduce U.S. reliance on foreign oil by offering energy efficient geothermal heat pumps as an alternative. Dissemination of the curriculum is being done in coordination with several ATE Centers.
