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ATE Office Hours

ATE Office Hours provides a venue where those of us in the ATE community can communicate and learn from each other, discover collaborators, and find solutions for the challenges we all face in our project and center work.  Each interactive group video conference is limited to 50 participants (ATE grantees), and once you sign up you'll get a confirmation email which includes the video conference link.

If you are affiliated with a currently-funded ATE project or center and would like to be invited to upcoming ATE Office Hours events, please send us an email with your name and grant number.

Upcoming Office Hours

RECITE Immersive Technologies Office Hours

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
12:00pm - 1:00pm Central

Join ATE Central and the Resource Collaborative for Immersive Technologies (RECITE) for an engaging office hours session in March! Attendees will get a chance to explore RECITE's XR Implementation Framework, learn about their upcoming OEXR Library, and dive into guidelines for XR use in education. Connect, share ideas, and advance your XR initiatives during this interactive session.

Register for the RECITE Immersive Technologies Office Hours here



Past Office Hours (2025)

Exploring the Power of AI and Job Task Analysis with the EARTh Center Office Hours

Tuesday, February 25, 2025
12:00pm - 1:00pm Central

Join ATE Central and the EARTh Center for an engaging ATE Office Hours session where we explore the transformative potential of AI in conducting Job Task Analysis (JTA). This live demonstration will showcase how AI tools streamline and enhance the JTA process, enabling educators and industry professionals to identify key job roles, skills, and competencies with greater efficiency and precision. In today's fast-paced world, companies are operating leaner than ever, making it increasingly difficult to secure industry professionals for multi-day DACUM/JTA sessions. By leveraging AI, we can address this challenge by gathering and analyzing data to build a strong framework, significantly reducing the time and commitment required from industry partners. This approach not only aligns curriculum with workforce needs but also ensures meaningful engagement with industry stakeholders while respecting their time constraints. Don't miss this opportunity to see AI in action and learn how it can help modernize and streamline your program's approach to JTA.


Past Office Hours (2024)

ATE Year in Review

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm Central

Join ATE Central, ATE Lead Program Officer Dr. Celeste Carter, and community members for our annual year-end wrap up Office Hours. During this celebratory session we'll be sharing ATE successes from the community and making time for your stories too! We'll hear updates from select grantees about the positive impacts ATE is having on students, faculty, institutions, and industry, but we also want to hear about the successes of your own project or center. Grab yourself a festive beverage (eggnog latte anyone?) and jump online with us for this fun interactive event - we look forward to seeing you there!

Introducing STEMLink

Tuesday, December 3, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm Central

Created by the team at ATE Central, STEMLink can make your ATE STEM resources and materials available on Learning Management Systems, on your campus and other campuses across the country. Join the ATE Central team to learn more about how STEMLink works, get a live demo, and understand how this new tool can help increase the impact of ATE on your campus and support the work of your project or center. There will time to get your questions answered, and follow-up time slots will be available for one-on-one demos, that can also include others from your team, campus, or community.

Immersive Ed Design with EARTh

Wednesday, November 13, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm Central

Join ATE Central and the EARTh Center to learn about their Immersive Ed Design services, and how their interactive modules and extended reality (XR) simulation development is revolutionizing environmental education in community colleges. This session will cover the process of developing immersive XR simulations, from conception to classroom implementation; how EARTh works with subject matter experts (SMEs) to define the learning outcomes, narrow down subject information to create an impactful simulation, and how they build out supporting interactive modules for educators regarding the subject matter. Learn how these tools can engage students, enhance learning outcomes, and integrate seamlessly into your curriculum. This session will provide an opportunity for all of us to explore the future of educational technology, led by EARTh's experienced development team. It's a perfect fit for ATE community members eager to elevate their teaching strategies with innovative XR solutions and those who may be interested in working with the EARTh Center to create an immersive teaching tool.

iWiTTS Online Workshop: Recruit and Retain More Women in STEM

Tuesday, October 15, Wednesday, October 16, and Thursday, October 17, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00 pm Central

Join ATE Central and Donna Milgram founder of the National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology, and Science (iWiTTS) to learn how to increase the number of female students in your STEM programs! This exciting online workshop will focus on three primary areas - recruitment, retention, and job placement. You don't want to miss this interactive series - sign up for all three below! 

Recruitment - This is how a role model can change a life: Proof!

A female-focused recruitment campaign and events are vital in recruiting female students into STEM Career Pathways. Learn how female role models can help convert tentative female students to Yes, We Can! the very next semester.

Retention - How to keep students in the STEM Pipeline!

Recruiting female students to STEM only works when it goes hand-in-hand with retaining them. Learn what works to convert 50% retention rates to 100% in just a semester.

Job Placement - Are your female students in STEM getting hired? Urgent!

You may be surprised to learn that the first female apprentice automotive machinist for the City of San Francisco had a hard time getting hired as an automotive technician in 2019. As a result, she had to start her career as a scooter repair technician. Here is how to ensure this won't happen to your female graduates.

Archiving with ATE Central

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm CST

Join Kendra Bouda and Rachael Bower for an ATE Office Hours session that provides an overview of ATE Central's Archiving Service. Kendra and Rachael will discuss the basics of archiving, including which materials to archive and what to expect during the submission process. Participants are encouraged to come prepared with their own archiving questions. This interactive session provides an opportunity to seek advice and share experiences. We look forward to seeing you online!

NSF's S-STEM Scholarship Program and the CCSN S-STEM Research Hub

Wednesday, July 10, 2024
11:30pm - 12:30pm CST

Join this ATE Office Hour to explore synergy that exists between the NSF ATE and S-STEM Scholarship programs. The Community College S-STEM Network (CCSN) is an S-STEM research hub with a mission to generate and disseminate insights into decision-making processes utilized by low-income STEM majors in two-year colleges that keep them on a path into the STEM workforce. During this session, the CCSN team will showcase a variety of resources, and help participants learn more about their offerings which includes support to prepare competitive S-STEM grant proposals, webinars and clinics to explore and implement effective strategies known to promote the success of STEM majors, along with other tangible products developed to support practitioners in the adoption of evidence-based approaches in STEM education.  Don't miss this chance to learn more about S-STEM and how it can support technician education. 

Biomanufacturing Work-Based Learning Simulations 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
1:00pm – 2:00pm CST

Join ATE Central and CAST to discover exciting new tools related to biomanufacturing education in our upcoming June ATE Office Hours session. The team at CAST is thrilled to unveil two cutting-edge Work-Based Learning Simulations crafted in collaboration with academic and industry leaders. These simulations offer targeted career guidance, engaging CTE students with immersive experiences around the growth of organs and the pivotal role of automation in biomanufacturing. Gain insights into the essential STEM technician skills vital for success in this emerging industry. Don't miss this opportunity to see a live demonstration of these career exploration simulations for middle and high wage STEM careers!

Virtual Speed Networking

Wednesday, May 1, 2024
1:00pm 2:00pm CST

Looking for a simple strategy to increase recruitment, retention and success of students, and increase your connections with industry? If so, then join ATE Central and members of InnovATEBIO's alumni networking group for an Office Hour session focused on Virtual Speed Networking. This innovative method provides an easy way for alumni to stay connected with your program, help with student recruitment, and also fosters new industry connections. Learn more about how colleges across the U.S. are implementing this strategy in their programs, what the impacts have been, and what tools are available to help you host your own speed networking event!

An Overview of Immersive Technologies and Related ATE Resources, Organizations, and Opportunities

Tuesday, April 16, 2024
12:00pm – 1:00pm CST

Immersive technologies like Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), Virtual Reality (VR), and 360-degree photography and videography are being rapidly integrated into industry and society, yet their integration into technician education lags. These technologies, also referred to as eXtended Reality (XR), have tremendous potential to enhance student learning and are poised to revolutionize the educational experience. Join ATE Central, David Anderson from the Resource Collaborative for Immersive Technologies, and others using these emerging technologies to learn about their integration into technician education and available related resources. The session is intended for participants interested in adding immersive (XR) technology elements to various credit and noncredit programs, including transportation, energy, manufacturing, construction, IT, cybersecurity, and networking. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion during this interactive session.

ATE and Economic Development - Data from the Hidden Innovations Infrastructure Team

Tuesday, March 26, 2024
– 1:00pm CST

This ATE Office Hours session will help unpack data collected by the Hidden Innovations Infrastructure (HII) research project housed at Rutgers University Education and Employment Research Center (EERC). HII worked with the EvaluATE team to include questions in the 2023 annual survey designed to help unravel what economic development (ED) means to NSF ATE grantees and their projects. Many ATE projects reported that they had a stated goal that addressed economic development.  What does that mean, and what does that look like? How can a good relationship with ED enhance our work? Join ATE Central and the HII team as they share the analysis of the survey results and learn more about what other ATE grantees are thinking about ATE and ED, and how we can all make the most of these relationships.


Past Office Hours (2023)

ATE Year in Review

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
1:00pm  2:00pm CST

Join ATE Central, ATE Lead Program Officer Dr. Celeste Carter, and community members for our annual year-end wrap up Office Hours! During this celebratory session we'll be sharing ATE successes from the community and making time for your stories too!  We'll hear updates from select grantees about the positive impacts ATE is having on students, faculty, institutions, and industry, but we also want to hear about the successes of your own project or center.  Jump online with us for this fun interactive event – we look forward to seeing you there!

An Overview of EV and EV Related ATE Resources, Organizations, and Opportunities

Wednesday, November 29, 2023
12:00pm – 1:00pm CST

Thanks to more than 100 years of evolution and current technology convergence, the electric vehicle (EV) industry is at the beginning of a rapid expansion. However, the United States has fallen behind other countries’ progress in the EV industry. Local, state, and national leaders, including the National Science Foundation, are heavily investing in growing the EV industry across the U.S. Join ATE Central and four NSF ATE funded projects and centers to learn about a variety of freely available ATE EV and EV related resources. The session is intended for participants interested in adding EV elements to various credit and noncredit programs, including automotive, energy, manufacturing, construction, IT, cybersecurity, and networking. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion during this interactive session. 

BRIDGES Case Studies - Free Classroom Ready Resources For Use in Your Classroom!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023
2:00pm – 3:00pm CST

Join ATE Central and experts from the U.S. Department of Energy, Bioenergy Technologies Office, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to learn about a set of free resources they've created to help students explore clean energy topics while building STEM and critical thinking skills. The Bioenergy Research and Education Program (BRIDGES) cases studies are specifically designed and tested for community college classrooms, and include instructor guides that require no prior student or instructor bioenergy knowledge. Come learn more about these free resources and how to get involved with pilot testing too. During this live interactive event you'll get a chance to chat with the BRIDGES team as they share the case studies and there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion!

ATE Office Hours: ATE Centers and Student Innovation

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
1:00pm – 2:00pm CST

Join the Center for Aviation and Automotive Technological Education Using Virtual E- Schools (CA2VES) along with team members from SpaceTEC and the BEST Center to learn about innovative student-centered projects! For over a decade, CA2VES has involved two-year college faculty and students (through the NSF REU - Research Experience for Undergraduates program) in creating resources and researching their effectiveness in technician education. Join this interactive session to hear about examples of innovative work, specifically related to student engagement. Participants will learn how to involve students in innovation and have time to connect with ATE centers and ask questions. 

ATE Office Hours - Archiving with ATE Central

Tuesday, September 19, 2023
1:00pm – 2:00pm CST

Join Kendra Bouda and Rachael Bower for an ATE Office Hours session that provides an overview of ATE Central's Archiving Service. Kendra and Rachael will discuss the basics of archiving, including which materials to archive and what to expect during the submission process. Participants are encouraged to come prepared with their own archiving questions. This interactive session provides an opportunity to seek advice and share experiences.  Look forward to seeing you online!

ATE Office Hours: Learn about the BRIDGES Case Studies - Free Classroom Ready Resources!

Thursday, September 7, 2023
2:00pm – 3:00pm CST

Are you interested in providing hands-on, relevant, data-centric experiences in your classroom? Join ATE Central and experts from the U.S. Department of Energy, Bioenergy Technologies Office, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to learn about resources they've created to help students explore clean energy topics while building STEM and critical thinking skills. The Bioenergy Research and Education Program (BRIDGES) cases studies are specifically designed and tested for community college classrooms, and include instructor guides that require no prior student or instructor bioenergy knowledge. Come learn more about these free resources during this live interactive event where you'll get a chance to chat with the BRIDGES team as they preview the case studies - there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. Hope you can join us!

ATE Office Hours - Community Colleges & Economic Development Research

Wednesday August 16, 2023
1:00pm - 2:00pm CST

HII, the Hidden Innovation Infrastructure, is a 4-year ATE Targeted Research Project using a multifaceted approach to examine the economic development role of NSF ATE and community college technician education programs. Join ATE Central and the HII team for a session that will share the project's high-level research outcomes related to how ATE grantees define their impacts on regional economies. Participants will also learn strategies that can help them make use of local and regional economic impacts to build and support their own community networks. We look forward to seeing you online!

ATE Listening Session with NSF Program Officers

Friday, June 16, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm CST

ATE community members are invited to a special Listening Session Office Hours on Friday, June 16th. This interactive event will be an opportunity to share your thoughts on the current ATE solicitation guidelines 21-598, and a chance to bring up any changes or additions that you think might be beneficial to include in the upcoming new ATE solicitation. NSF program officers, including Dr. Celeste Carter, will be in attendance and available to listen to your ideas and answer questions. Attendees can read over the current solicitation, participate in the Zoom session, and provide input or ideas during the live event or, if you're unable to attend, share your input via email to [email protected]. Project and center PIs and staff are encouraged to attend, as well as evaluators, administrators, and other ATE stakeholders.

Community Share and Support Session

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
11:00am - 12:00pm CST

Join ATE Central for an interactive session focused on sharing out ATE successes and challenges so far in 2023 and helping support others in our community as we head into the summer. This is an opportunity for you and your team to connect with other grantees from around the country, share your own best practices and interact with others around a variety of critical topics, including grants management, program development, sustainability, and outreach, to name just a few. We look forward to seeing you online!

Strengthen Your Industry Partnerships - Working Partners Workshop

Tuesday, April 25, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm CST

Join Mary Slowinski and Rachael Bower to learn more about the ATE funded Working Partners Workshop series. This free eight-week virtual workshop will be held late May through early July 2023 and is designed to help ATE grantees strengthen their industry partnerships, and come away with a specific plan for how to move forward. Learn about the research behind the workshop, outcomes from those who've participated, and some tips for strengthening your own partnerships. We look forward to seeing you for this informative and interactive session!

NSF Dear Colleague Letters – A Great Funding Opportunity

Tuesday, March 21, 2023
1:00pm - 2:00pm CST

Join us along with ATE program officers, including Dr. Celeste Carter, to learn more about NSF's Dear Colleague Letters and how you can take advantage of this terrific funding opportunity!  The session will provide attendees with an overview of some current offerings of interest to the ATE community (NSF 21-076 STEM Skills Training/START, NSF 19-057 International Training and Education, NSF 20-054 Undergraduate Research, NSF 22-059 Ocean Workforce Technical Education, NSF 22-120 ETSTE DCL) as well as plenty of time for discussion. We hope to hear from community members about their experiences with receiving this type of funding, and of course it’s also a great chance to get questions answered and interact directly with NSF program officers!

Hidden Innovation Project

Tuesday, February 28, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm CST

Need data but hate to dig through data bases? Join the team from the ATE funded Hidden Innovation Infrastructure Project led by Rutgers University to explore economic trends that inform ATE programs in a region, state, or across the country. Two web-based tools will be demonstrated that can quickly provide trend data for graduates per program and numbers of employees in various occupations - data that can really help ATE community members and others better understand the marketplace for their programs. This will be a wonderful interactive session, with lots of time for questions and discussion.

Reporting for ATE Grantees

Wednesday, February 8, 2023
1:00pm - 2:00pm CST

For all of us in the ATE community, reporting is an important annual activity. Whether it's your first year creating an annual report or you've have been creating reports for years, there are always new ideas and strategies that can help strengthen and support these critical efforts. Join us for an interactive session focused on reporting with Dr. Celeste Carter, Lead Program Officer for ATE, and Dr. Lyssa Becho, PI of EvaluATE. Learn about the differences between annual reports, final reports, and project outcome reports as well as how to work closely with your evaluator to integrate the information from your evaluation report into the process. This is a great opportunity to get answers from experts and to share your own best practices with colleagues during this live zoom session.


Past Office Hours (2022)

The ATE Year in Review

Monday, December 12, 2022
1:00pm-2:00pm CST

Join ATE Central, ATE Lead Program Officer Dr. Celeste Carter, and community members for a 2022 year-end wrap up ATE Office Hours session! Focusing on ATE successes, we’ll hear updates from grantees about the positive impacts ATE is having on students, faculty, institutions, and industry. Come prepared to share your own project or center stories during this fun, celebratory session. Pour a seasonal beverage and jump online with us – we look forward to seeing you there! 

Getting Started Follow-Up Session 2

Thursday December 1, 2022
12:00pm-1:00pm CST

Designed for all newly funded grantees, this one-hour informal session will provide an opportunity to ask questions about NSF, project implementation, grants management, and evaluation, as well as learning more about ATE resources that can support your newly funded ATE project and its activities! Please join us for a special ATE Office Hours session specifically designed to support principal investigators, co-principal investigators, and other team members involved in newly awarded projects and centers. This is a great chance to meet new grantees and interact with others in the ATE community!

Getting Started Follow-Up Session 1

Tuesday November 15, 2022
12:00pm-1:00pm CST

Designed for all newly funded grantees, this one-hour informal session will provide an opportunity to ask questions about NSF, project implementation, grants management, and evaluation, as well as learning more about ATE resources that can support your newly funded ATE project and its activities! Please join us for a special ATE Office Hours session specifically designed to support principal investigators, co-principal investigators, and other team members involved in newly awarded projects and centers. This is a great chance to meet new grantees and interact with others in the ATE community!

Introduction to Archiving & the ATE Central Archiving Service

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
1:00pm – 2:00pm CST

Join presenters Kendra Bouda and Rachael Bower on Wednesday, November 9th for an introduction to archiving with ATE Central. Presenters will discuss what the ATE Central Archiving Service is and how to select materials for archiving. Learn what to expect during the submission process and what happens to your materials behind the scenes. Participants are encouraged to come prepared with archiving questions and seek advice during the Q&A portion of the talk.

Profiles from Community & Technical Colleges Project

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
1:00pm– 2:00pm CST

Join ATE Central and the PIs from Profiles of Community & Technical Colleges, an ATE funded project focused understanding how technician education engineering programs at two-year institutions support students' academic and career pathways, for an ATE Office Hours session on Tuesday November 2nd. The team will share updates and information about the project's progress as well as seeking feedback and input from participants on a number of project components. All ATE community members are welcome!

The 2022 ATE Conference & You - Preparing for ATE Connects

Tuesday, September 6, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm CST

Join ATE Central and Ellen Hause, ATE PI, from the American Association of Community Colleges to learn more about the conference's networking and information-sharing sessions and how to prepare and participate--whether virtually or in-person. ATE Office Hours attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about the event in general and ATE Connects in particular, which is a key component of the conference. 

The 2022 ATE Conference & You - How to Prepare to Attend

Wednesday, August 24, 2022
1:00pm - 2:00pm CST

Join ATE Central and Ellen Hause, ATE PI, from the American Association of Community Colleges as she talks through the ways ATE grantees can prepare to participate in this year's conference -- whether virtually or in-person. During this ATE Office Hours session attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about the Call for Sessions, Student Application process, and ATE Connects.

Get Involved with Drone Safety Day

Friday June 10, 2022
1:00pm - 2:00pm CST

Please join us and special guests from the National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to learn more about Drone Safety Day and how you and your project and center can get involved! NCAT is the host site for all Drone Safety Day information and events - topic areas for 2022 are education, equity, economics, emergencies, and environment. Don't miss a chance to interact with our guests from NCAT and FAA during this exciting and interactive session.

Follow up ATE Office Hours to May 3rd CAST Webinar

Tuesday May 17, 2022
1:00pm - 2:00pm CST

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can be a powerful tool to support the development of career preparation programs to make them more inclusive. The NSF funded AccessATE project is partnering with CAST to provide guidance for community college educators to incorporate UDL principles and accessibility into their grant-funded work to help build the capacity of the STEM technician workforce to reach all learners. Members of CAST and AccessATE hosted a webinar in which they shared case studies highlighting how ATE instructors incorporate UDL into their courses and activities. They highlighted the lessons learned and tips for others who want to follow a similar journey. This follow-up ATE Office Hours on May 17th will provide an interactive opportunity for more questions and discussion!

Working Partners Summer 2022 Workshop

Wednesday May 4, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm CST

Looking to improve your industry partnership skills? Join ATE Central on May 4th to learn about the upcoming Summer 2022 Working Partners Workshop. This free workshop series is a great professional development opportunity designed to support anyone from the ATE community with planning, initiating, sustaining, and assessing industry-education partnerships. PI Mary Slowinski and Co-PI Rachael Bower will host a fun interactive session that provides lots of details about the workshop, and information about how you and your team can get involved.

CAST Webinar

Tuesday, May 3, 2022
1:00pm - 2:00pm CST

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can be a powerful tool to support the development of career preparation programs to make them more inclusive. The NSF funded AccessATE project is partnering with CAST to provide guidance for community college educators to incorporate UDL principles and accessibility into their grant-funded work to help build the capacity of the STEM technician workforce to reach all learners. Join Rachael Bower from AccessATE, Dan Larochelle from Manchester Community College, and Luis Perez from CAST for a webinar in which they share case studies highlighting how ATE instructors incorporate UDL into their courses and activities. We will highlight the lessons learned and tips for others who want to follow a similar journey. A follow-up ATE Office Hours on May 17th will provide an interactive opportunity for more questions and discussion!

ATE Office Hours:  Annual Reporting

Wednesday, April 27, 2022
12:00 - 1:00pm CST

Creating your annual report each year is an important part of your responsibilities as an ATE grantee. And whether you're an experienced PI, or it's your first time creating a report, there are always new strategies and ideas to consider that can strengthen the outcome of this annual activity. Join us for an engaging look at reporting with Dr. Celeste Carter, Lead Program Officer for ATE and Dr. Lyssa Becho, PI of EvaluATE. We'll explore annual and final reporting as well as how to work closely with your evaluator to integrate the information from your evaluation report into the process. Bring your questions and be prepared to share your own best practices with colleagues in this interactive live event.

ATE Office Hours: Using Data for Program Improvement

Tuesday, March 29, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm CST 

Join the team from D4DM (Data for Decision Making), an ATE funded research project based in Washington State, along with ATE Central to explore two important questions related to using data for program improvement. First, what information about student outcomes do ATE faculty need to facilitate data-informed improvements to technical education programs? Second, to what extent can data visualizations and/or predictive analytics support ATE faculty in their efforts to improve their programs? In addition to exploring these questions the team will share data visualization prototypes developed as part of their research at three ATE programs in Washington and invite discussion from Office Hour participants about the opportunities and barriers that could arise from using such tools for ATE program improvement.

ATE Office Hours: Strengthening Industry Partnerships

Tuesday, March 1, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm CST

Join ATE Central and special guests Ann Beheler, Mike Lesiecki, and Mary Slowinski to talk about strategies that support robust industry partnerships. Ann Beheler will provide an overview of her Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) model and current training opportunities, Mike Lesiecki will share what he's learned from interviews with industry leaders during his Future of Work Podcast series, and Mary Slowinski will discuss the Working Partners (WP) Research Project and the subsequent set of WP workshops on offer to the community. We look forward to hearing your ideas too - so come prepared to share your best methods for creating and sustaining these critical partnerships!

Webinar: Moving Up! Strategies for Preparing YOUR Next ATE Project Proposal

Wednesday, February 2, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. CST

Has your college been an ATE or another NSF program grantee?  Keep the momentum going! The ATE program encourages you to expand and build on your recent or current ATE grant efforts and/or move into a different area of technology. ATE-funded projects enable you to move up to larger scope of work or shift the focus of your work to another area of technician education. How do requirements and reviewer expectations change when you take the next step? Where can you get help to make your proposal more competitive? Learn the answers to these questions along with strategies, insider tips, and mistakes to avoid in seeking your next ATE grant.  
Presenters: Elaine Craft, Elizabeth (Liz) Teles, and Pamela Silvers.

'Dear Colleague' Letters

Friday, January 28, 2022
12:00-1:00pm CST

Join ATE Central, and ATE program officers including Dr. Celeste Carter, to learn more about NSF's Dear Colleague Letters and how you can take advantage of this terrific funding opportunity!  We will start with an overview of some current offerings of interest to the ATE community (NSF 21-076 STEM Skills Training, NSF 19-057 International Training and Education, NSF 20-054 Undergraduate Research, and NSF 21-110 Disability Engagement and Access) and then open the call up for discussion.  We hope to hear from community members about their experiences with receiving this type of funding, and of course it’s also a great chance to get questions answered and interact directly with NSF program officers!


Past Office Hours (2021)

The ATE Year in Review

Wednesday, December 15, 2021
1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT

Join ATE Central, ATE Lead Program Officer Dr. Celeste Carter, and your fellow ATE PIs for a year-end 2021 wrap up! The focus will be on some of this year's ATE successes, with stories from select grantees that showcase the positive impacts ATE is having on students, faculty, institutions, industry, and communities.  We hope you have a success or two you might want to share as well, during this lively and interactive session. A chance to kick back with your colleagues and celebrate – hot chocolate, mulled cider, and gingerbread lattes encouraged!

Needed Math

Tuesday, November 30, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT

Please join ATE Central November 30th at 1pm eastern for an ATE Office Hour session featuring special guests Gerhard Salinger, Michael Hacker, and Rod Null from Needed Math - a three-year Targeted Research on Technician Education ATE Project. The focus of Needed Math is to improve alignment of mathematics taught in two-year colleges with the math industrialists perceive as needed by manufacturing technicians. We look forward to a lively discussion with the community about the math skills truly needed by technicians as well as how ATE grantees partner with industry to determine real-world math needs.

Working Partners Workshop

Tuesday, November 16, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT

Join Mary Slowinski and Rachael Bower to learn more about the ATE funded Working Partners Workshop series. This free virtual workshop will be held in February/March 2022 and is designed to help ATE grantees strengthen their industry partnerships, and come away with a specific plan for how to move forward. Learn about the research behind the workshop, outcomes from last year's series, and more details about this upcoming opportunity. We look forward to seeing you for this informative and interactive session!

An Introduction to Archiving with ATE Central

Tuesday, September 28, 2021 
12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT

Join presenters Kendra Bouda and Rachael Bower on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 from noon-1:00 pm CDT for an introduction to archiving with ATE Central. Presenters will discuss what the ATE Central Archiving Service is and how to select materials for archiving. Learn what to expect during the submission process and what happens to your materials behind the scenes. Participants are encouraged to come prepared with archiving questions and seek advice during the Q&A portion of the talk, or stay online and chat with presenters after the meeting. 

Structures That Promote Sustainability with an Emphasis on Shifting During COVID

Wednesday June 2, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT

Join ATE Central and featured guests Rebecca Zarch, Steve Kane, Corrinne Sande, and Mary Slowinski for an interactive ATE Office Hours session to discuss structures and approaches that promote sustainability of ATE funded projects/centers with an emphasis on how these structures allowed for pivots in response to COVID. Rebecca will briefly share some high-level findings from the EPILOGUE study which examined what structures and processes promote sustainability after grant funding. We'll then move to a discussion. Please come prepared to share your reflections/lessons learned from the past year of remote activities. We'll be particularly focusing on structures or processes you may have had in place prior to Covid which facilitated (or impeded) your transition to remote activities.

Using Workforce and Employment Data for Program Improvement

Tuesday, April 27, 2021
12:00 - 1:00pm CDT

Join ATE Central and featured guests Liz Meza and Grant Blume for an engaging, interactive, and practical ATE Office Hours session to discuss workforce data availability and use for CTE faculty around program improvement, adaptation, and change. We'll review some success stories, best practices, and strategies that faculty have used to get and analyze traditional workforce and employment outcomes (employment, wage gain, etc.) but also discuss the opportunities and challenges that arise in thinking about CTE program improvement in the context of this data universe. 

How to Engage Community College Presidents & CEOs in Your ATE Grant-Funded Work

Wednesday, April 21, 2021
12:00 - 1:00pm CDT

Co-hosted by Project Vision, the American Association of Community Colleges, and ATE Central, this ATE Office Hours session will provide an opportunity for ATE community members to interact with college presidents and senior administrators to better understand the issues these key players face as community college leaders, particularly during the current crisis. Get a chance to share your strategies, and ask questions, on a variety of topics including engaging with your administration, aligning project with institutional needs, getting the presidential perspective on grant funding and proposals, and much more.  Join ATE Central and facilitator Dr. Kevin Cooper for this interactive and exciting zoom call.

Working Partners Workshops Info Hour

Wednesday, April 14, 2021
1:00 - 2:00pm CDT

Join Working Partners Workshop PIs Mary Slowinski and Rachael Bower to learn more about an exciting free 8-week professional development opportunity designed to help you strengthen your industry partnerships.  During this interactive session you can learn more about the application process, and the various components of the workshop to be held May 23-July 20, 2021. 

Sustainability Series: Operational Strategies for Success

Wednesday, March 24, 2021
2:00 - 3:00pm CDT

While the first two sessions address strategy to help ATE projects and centers identify and shape a unique value they deliver to users and stakeholders, this session will offer "top tips" on tactics and approaches for putting those ideas into action. Each concept will be introduced with case study examples, to bring to life the value of borrowing relevant concepts from the business world, to support your work. Topics covered will include expanding your audience, revenue generation, and looking for your next opportunities through ongoing assessment.

Sustainability Series: Understanding the Landscape

Tuesday, March 9, 2021
2:00 - 3:00pm CDT

This session introduces the notion of "competition," which can sometimes feel quite foreign to grant-funded initiatives but is key to being able to describe the unique value your work delivers. Participants will explore where their project or center may fit within the broader larger landscape for your audience and other stakeholders. Participants will be guided in considering ways to differentiate themselves from other options, and also to actively seek collaborative partnerships where there is mutual benefit.

Sustainability Series: Defining Success

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
2:00 - 3:00pm CDT

This session will offer a brief overview of how business principles can help ATE projects and centers be successful, whether or not they seek to generate revenue beyond the grant. We will foreground the importance of focusing on a target audience or stakeholder group in order to deliver something truly valuable. The session will include an interactive activity where participants draft a "value proposition" for their project or center and discuss its implications for future goal setting and strategy.

Focus: NSF ATE New Year Update 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021
1:00 - 2:00pm CDT

Please join ATE Central and featured guest Dr. Celeste Carter, lead Program Director of the NSF ATE program, to kick off 2021 and learn more about topics like supplemental funding, no cost extensions, and annual report best practices, as well as getting a programmatic update. This live zoom event is a great opportunity to connect with NSF and ATE community members, get your questions answered, and share information with other grantees. As always, we look forward to a lively discussion and to seeing everyone online!


Past Office Hours (2020)

Getting Started Workshop: Follow-Up Session 2

Wednesday, December 9, 2020
1:00 - 2:00pm CDT

Want an opportunity to ask questions about NSF, project implementation, grants management, and evaluation, as well as learning more about ATE resources that can support your newly funded ATE project and its activities? Please join us for a special set of ATE Office Hours specifically designed to support principal investigators, co-principal investigators, and other team members involved in newly awarded projects and centers in FY20.  These interactive zoom calls will provide you with an opportunity to speak directly with staff from the National Science Foundation, the American Association of Community Colleges, ATE Central, Mentor-Connect, and EvaluATE and are a follow-up to the Getting Started Workshop which took place during  the 2020 Virtual PI Conference.  This is a great chance to meet new grantees, interact with others in the ATE community, and bring up issues or questions you may have after attending the PI Conference. 

Getting Started Workshop: Follow-Up Session 1

Thursday, November 19, 2020
1:00 - 2:00pm CDT

Want an opportunity to ask questions about NSF, project implementation, grants management, and evaluation, as well as learning more about ATE resources that can support your newly funded ATE project and its activities? Please join us for a special set of ATE Office Hours specifically designed to support principal investigators, co-principal investigators, and other team members involved in newly awarded projects and centers in FY20.  These interactive zoom calls will provide you with an opportunity to speak directly with staff from the National Science Foundation, the American Association of Community Colleges, ATE Central, Mentor-Connect, and EvaluATE and are a follow-up to the Getting Started Workshop which took place during  the 2020 Virtual PI Conference.  This is a great chance to meet new grantees, interact with others in the ATE community, and bring up issues or questions you may have after attending the PI Conference. 

Focus: Aligning Your Mission with NSF ATE

Thursday, November 17, 2020
12:00 - 1:00pm CDT

Join ATE Central, AACC, and Project Vision for special, three-part ATE Office Hours series focused on the issues community college presidents and senior administrators face in today’s education environment in regard to advanced technological education (ATE). With different featured guests and attendees in each session, the conversations are designed to shift and explore a variety of topics including recruitment, industry partnerships, economic development, diversity, and much more. In this first of three sessions, presidents and senior administrators will come together to discuss the key issues they face as community college leaders. The dialogue will focus on best practices to scale a college’s priority for NSF grant funding, internal versus external (consulting) approaches to support grant funding efforts, and ideas on how to compensate/reward faculty involvement.  

Focus: Outreach & Dissemination Strategies

Wednesday, September 30, 2020
12:00 - 1:00pm CDT

Join ATE Central and EvaluATE to explore dissemination and outreach strategies and pathways including harnessing zoom calls, utilizing social media, participating in virtual conferences, creating content for newsletters and blog posts, and much more. During this interactive session we look forward to hearing from the ATE community, sharing solutions, and providing each other with support and innovative ideas.

Focus: Supply Chain Automation Resources & Networking

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
12:00 – 1:00pm CDT

Join ATE Central and featured guests, Marilyn Barger, FLATE and Valorie Piper, Supply Chain Automation, along with Ned Young, Sinclair College and SCA, as we engage in a lively discussion and look at the evolving changes in the supply chain world and how it is impacting current logistics and manufacturing engineering technology. Emerging technologies include cybersecurity, robotics, data analytics, and smart devices in the IoT and what this means to technician education. Discussions will include shared strategies and available resources.

Focus: Grant Management

Wednesday, June 10, 2020
1:00 - 2:00pm CDT

Join ATE Central and featured guests V. Celeste Carter, NSF; Elaine Craft, Mentor-Connect; Ellen Hause, AACC; and Pam Silvers, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College as we engage in a lively discussion and address ATE grant management questions and concerns, share strategies, and provide each other with continued support.

Focus: Best Practices for Working Remotely

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
12:00 - 1:00pm CDT

For the May 19th ATE Office Hours we'll be bringing back Kevin Cooper, Mary Slowinski, and Mike Sauter to lead more discussion about best practices and solutions in working and teaching remotely.  We'll check in with the community members to see what solutions have been working and what challenges we're still facing, and provide each other with support and innovative ideas as we head into the summer.

Focus: Making Your Partnerships Thrive While Working Remotely

Tuesday, April 28, 2020
12:00 - 1:00pm CDT

The April 28th ATE Office Hours will feature special guest Ann Beheler from the Convergence Technology Center, along with one of her industry partners.  They will be heading up a lively discussion and sharing information about Ann’s very successful Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) model, with a special emphasis on how to make your industry/education partnerships thrive when working remotely.

Focus: Solutions for Working & Teaching Remotely

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
12:00 - 1:00pm CDT

The April 15th ATE Office Hours will be facilitated by three special guests (Mary Slowinski, Bellevue College; Kevin Cooper, Indian River State College; and Mike Sauter, Saddleback College) and is designed to get everyone sharing information about the challenges we're facing and the solutions we're developing to deal with the new reality of working and teaching remotely.

Focus: ATE Program Overview

Tuesday, March 31, 2020
12:00 - 1:00pm CDT

Join ATE Central and Featured Guest Celeste Carter from the National Science Foundation to learn more about the ATE program, supplemental funding, and undergraduate research funding opportunities.

Focus: Evaluation

Tuesday, February 25, 2020
12:00 - 1:00pm CDT

Join ATE Central and Featured Guests Lori Wingate, Emma Leeburg, and Valerie Marshall from EvaluATE to learn about ATE evaluation, the annual EvaluATE survey, and much more!