Leak Detection Simulator

This animation, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), demonstrates a leak detection simulator. In the animation, users perform the vacuum testing ("outside-in") method of leak detection with a mass spectrometer leak detector. Users can control a helium spray probe and monitor a readout for the presence of helium entering a vacuum system through a leak site randomly selected by the program. Incorrect and correct determinations of a leak (i.e., its existence and location) are shown. Definitions are provided for timer, vacuum chamber, variable leak, Swagelok fittings, mass flow controller (MFC), thermocouple gauge, vent/purge, capacitance manometer, ionization gauge, rotational feedthrough, throttle valve controller, and more. An .mp4 file is also available for viewing and runs 0:9:23 minutes in length.
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