Improving Educational Outcomes in Manufacturing Engineering Technologist and Technician Education (METTE) Programs

A team of researchers and practitioners from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and four 2-year colleges (Fox Valley Technical College, Moraine Park Technical College, Milwaukee Area Technical College, and Waukesha County Technical College) is developing activities to increase student success and retention in Manufacturing Engineering Technologist and Technician Education (METTE) Programs and examining key factors associated with these activities. The project examines the influence of student participation in coursework that is part of articulation agreements between secondary and post-secondary institutions and the influence of post-secondary factors (e.g., the availability of financial aid and participation in academic and student support activities) on student performance and retention in METTE. The study examines the link between participation in dual-credit programs in high school with student outcomes, such as likelihood of earning a diploma, persistence to the second semester of college, higher Grade Point Average on year after high school graduation, persistence in college 2 years after high school graduation, transfer from 2-year to 4-year program, and post-graduation labor market success. The study also examines post-secondary factors on performance and retention in METTE, such as student engagement in institutional support activities, academic experiences and enrollment in remedial courses, and external demands such as employment and family responsibilities. In addition, Local Leadership Teams (LLT) at the 2-year colleges are engaged in campus-level action research studies to examine locally or regionally important issues associated with strengthening student success and/or improving their METTE programs to meet the workforce development needs of the locale or region. Findings will be disseminated through publications and national and local presentations. On the site, visitors can find information about the project participants, partners, goals, rationale, and a list of METTE programs offered by Wisconsin Technical Colleges. Also, visitors can see the METTE Model of Student Success, METTE's innovative professional development framework, news regarding METTE meetings and conferences, information about manufacturing in Wisconsin, and links to resources for METTE practitioners and students.