Innovation STEM Education Through Guitar Design Manufacturing - Guitar Design and Manufacture Workbook

This 154-page resource from the STEM Guitar Project is a guitar design and manufacturing workbook. The resource is divided into the following sections: About Us, Learner Centered Learning Objectives, Science, Math, Electronics, Technology, Wood, and Appendi[ces]. Background information on the STEM Guitar Project is provided along with a description of the five day guitar build project for instructors available through the Project. The Learner Centered Learning Objectives section provides guidance on creating learning objectives when designing lesson plans. Each section associated with a concept consists of Learning Activities and Exercises. Solutions for some of the exercises are provided.
The appendices include additional reference information including: Guitar Making Tools, Equipment, Supplies, & Consumables; Preliminary Budget - Solid Body Electric Guitar Design Fabrication; Budget Worksheet; Supplier Worksheet; Nut Files; Making a Sketch by Tracing a Digital Picture; and more.
About this Resource
