CalWomenTech Project: Increasing Recruitment & Retention of Female College Students in Technology Courses

This paper, published by the National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science (IWITTS), discusses the CalWomenTech Project results on recruiting and retaining women in technology programs over halfway through the project. Two community colleges that implemented CalWomenTech Project recruitment strategies within the recommended timeline showed an increase in enrollment of women in their targeted technology programs of 10 to 15 percentage points in just over a year. Retention strategies implemented by CalWomenTech colleges led to significant increases in male enrollment as well. The paper also features an overview of the CalWomenTech recruitment and retentions strategies themselves as well as resources on recruiting women and girls in technology that are available to the larger public.
The following sections are included in the paper: CalWomenTech Project Results and Strategies, CalWomenTech Project Goals, CalWomenTech Project Model, CalWomenTech Community College Site Descriptions, CalWomenTech Project Resources Available to All, About IWITTS, and References.
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