CalWomenTech Project: Using Surveys to Inform Retention Strategies of Female Technology Students

This paper, published by the National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology, and Science (IWITTS), discusses the results from a 2009 survey conducted by IWITTS. These surveys, given to female students in technology courses in which they were underrepresented, collected data on recruitment and retention strategies as well as what female students would like to see more of in STEM classrooms. These surveys were conducted as part of the CalWomenTech Program, which has implemented recruitment and retention strategies intended to increase female enrollment in technology programs. College programs that have implemented these strategies have seen significant increases not only female enrollment and completion, but male enrollment and completion as well. This paper also discusses how survey results have been used to evaluate and inform strategies employed by colleges to retain women in technology programs.
The following sections are included in the paper: Abstract, CalWomenTech Project Results and Strategies, CalWomenTech Project Model, CalWomenTech Project Evaluation Methodology, CalWomenTech Community College Site Descriptions, Survey of Female Technology Course Student Demographics, Conclusion, and References.
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