The Bioenergy Farm Game

This board game encourages students to examine related environmental issues and interactions related to climate change control efforts including “biodiversity conservation, water quality and sustainable agriculture.” During the game, "players take on the role of bioenergy crop farmers trying to earn a living while being good environmental stewards. In the process, players explore the economic and environmental tradeoffs associated with growing different bioenergy crops." This activity is targeted toward middle school students through undergraduates (grades 6 through 16), and requires a familiarity with basic farming practices, sustainability concepts, photosynthesis, and the carbon cycle. Two to five 50-minute class periods are required for the activity, and one die per a game board is needed- all other materials are covered in the downloadable package on this site. The Bioenergy Farm Board Game .zip (9.8 MB) file includes: game guide and instructions, game boards, game cards, game pieces, and score sheets.