Mid-Life Project Evaluation: Setting the Stage for Continued Funding

This collection, developed by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education for the ATE Principal Investigator's Conference held in October 2015, covers mid-life project evaluation. The collection includes presentation slides, a worksheet, and a checklist.
The presentation slides include the following objectives: understand the fundamentals of intellectual merit and broader impacts; identify gaps in evaluation data that need to be addressed in order to make a strong case for new funding; fill gaps with low-cost, high-impact evidence; and create a persuasive Results from Prior NSF Support section for proposals. The worksheet is intended to assist project leaders and evaluators in identifying the range of a project's achievements. The National Science Foundation (NSF) uses intellectual merit and broader impacts criteria to assess the potential of proposed work and results of previously funded work. The last document is titled Results From Prior NSF Support Checklist. This document is intended for primary investigators (PI) and co-primary investigators (co-PI) that have received funding from NSF for previous projects. This checklist is intended to help fulfill NSF proposal requirements.
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