
These webinar slides lay out the basic definitions and concepts needed to understand the remarkable changes coming as automobiles become more like robots and also essential elements of the ever-growing network of everything. The webinar was presented in four sections: Doug Fertuck, Assistant Director for Energy and Automotive Technology, Macomb Community College, presented an overview of the affected industries and of the technologies, including definitions of the many new associated terms. Bob Feldmaier, Director of CAAT, summarized the latest views of these technologies by industry leaders. The perspective of a major industry technology company was covered by Miguel Hurtado, PhD, of Valeo North America, a multinational supplier of automotive systems and components. Miguel is Systems Engineer of Advanced Driving Assistance projects and Technology Transfer support for Europe and North America. The webinar concluded with a discussion by the presenters of the skills that will be required by technicians in the field of automated and connected vehicles.

A recording of the webinar is available at the hyperlink. The running time for the recorded webinar is 1:33:13.

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