NE 110 Introduction to Non-Destructive Testing and Quality Assurance/Quality Control

Toolkit Description:
This Introduction to Non-Destructive Testing and Quality Assurance/Quality Control course is from the RCNET Comprehensive Teaching Toolkit: Quality Assurance and Quality Control, and is drawn from courses taught at Chattanooga State Community College (CSCC). These courses are available as part of the Engineering and Information Technologies division at CSCC, and are part of concentrations in Non-Destructive Testing Technology, Nuclear Power Engineering Technology, and Quality Assurance/Quality Control Technology. Other courses in the toolkit include QA 212 Power Plant Construction and Quality Assurance/Quality Control and NE 127 Codes, Standards, and Regulations.
Toolkit Course Contents:
Introduction to Non-Destructive Testing and Quality assurance/Quality Control is intended to provide students a synopsis of widely used and lesser used non-destructive evaluation methods, as well as introduce relevant quality assurance and quality control requirements in accordance with ASQ, ASME, and ANSI standards
Materials available as part of the Teaching Toolkit include a syllabus, course outline, six labs, three lab assignments, 11 PowerPoint presentations, two additional assignments, three tests, and other related materials.
The 2-page syllabus includes a brief course description, three educational objectives, eight course outcomes, four student outcomes, and a list of topics covered.
The 1-page course outline is a general schedule that includes subjects covered and the homework assignment for each week.
Six labs are provided and most include short descriptions and directions for completing the activities. Three lab assignments are provided and include answer keys.
Eleven PowerPoint presentations are included and each covers a different topic. Topics include classification of discontinuities, non-destructive testing, liquid penetrant testing, ultrasonic inspection, and visual inspection; as well as related topics.
Two tests, a final exam, and study guides are included.
For orientation purposes Syllabus_Intro to NDT and QA_QC.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type off material included in this course.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
Introduction to Non-Destructive Testing and Quality assurance/Quality Control (42 files 17.7 MB)
- Labs
- Assignments
- Magnetic Particle Inspection Pre-Lab Assignment (Magnetic Particle Inspection Pre-Lab Assignment.docx 262 KB)
- Liquid Penetrant Inspection Pre-Lab Assignment (Liquid Penetrant Inspection Pre-Lab Assignment.docx 199 KB)
- Classification of Discontinuities (Discontinuities Worksheet.xlsx 49 KB)
- Calipers (Calipers.docx 365 KB)
- Liquid Penetrant Inspection (Liquid Penetrant Inspection Procedure.pdf 86 KB)
- Magnetic Particle Inspection (Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure.pdf 102 KB)
- Review of NDT Methods (Review of NDT Methods Worksheet(1).xlsx 46 KB)
- Using the DM4 Thickness Gauge (Using the DM4 Thickness Gauge.docx 191 KB)
- Using the DMS 2 Thickness Gauge (Using the DMS 2 Thickness Gauge.docx 193 KB)
- Assignments
- Lectures
- Classification of Discontinuities (Classification of Discontinuities.ppt 886 KB)
- Eddy Current Inspection (Eddy Current Testing.ppt 572 KB)
- Definitions (Introduction to NDT & QA-QC--Definitions.ppt 420 KB)
- Introduction to Non-Destructive Testing (Introduction to Non-Destructive Testing.ppt 6.7 MB)
- Liquid Penetrant Testing (Liquid Penetrant Testing[1].ppt 599 KB)
- Magnetic Particle Inspection Additional Information (Magnetic Particle Inspection Additional Information.docx 190 KB)
- Magnetic Particle Testing (Magnetic Particle Testing.ppt 627 KB)
- Non-Destructive Testing Certification Outline (Non-Destructive Testing Certification Outline.docx 256 KB)
- Overview of QA/QC; NDT & QA/QC Certification Requirements (QA-QC and Certification Requirements.ppt 522 KB)
- Radiographic Testing (Radiographic Testing.ppt 790 KB)
- Research Paper Requirements (Research Paper Requirements.docx 238 KB)
- Ultrasonic Inspection (UT) (Ultrasonic Inspection Summary.pdf 101 KB)
- Ultrasonic Testing (Ultrasonic Testing.ppt 2.1 MB)
- Visual Inspection (Visual Inspection - Rev 1[1].ppt 535 KB)
- Record of Visual Examination (Visual Inspection (apples) Report.xlsx 48 KB)
- Visual Examination for Red Delicious Apples (Visual Inspection Procedure Using Red Delicious Apples.docx 246 KB)
- Quizzes and Assignments
- Radiographic Inspection Assignment - Densitometers (Radiographic Inspection Assignment - Densitometers.docx 188 KB)
- Radiographic Inspection Assignment - Overview (Radiographic Inspection Assignment - Overview.docx 202 KB)
- Syllabus
- Course Outline (Course Outline_Intro to NDT and QA_QC.pdf 10 KB)
- Introduction to Non-Destructive Testing & QA/QC Syllabus (Syllabus_Intro to NDT and QA_QC.pdf 92 KB)
- Tests
- Final Exam (Final Exam - Fall 2011.pdf 109 KB)
- Final Exam Study Guide (Final Exam Study Guide - Fall 2011.pdf 315 KB)
- Test 1 (Test 1 - Fall 2011.pdf 89 KB)
- Test 1 Study Guide (Test 1 Study Guide.pdf 43 KB)
- Test 2 (Test 2 - Fall 2011.pdf 104 KB)
- Test 2 Study Guide (Test 2 Study Guide - Fall 2011.pdf 252 KB)
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