These presentation posters are provided by Career Education in Renewable Energy Technology (CERET) and were created by people involved in the Madison College Honors Program. Posters include project information such as an introduction or objective, experiment methods, discussion and conclusion, and future work. Poster titles include A Low Cost Procedure to Explore the Relationship Between Biodiesel Viscosity and Temperature, Nano-Particle Coated Lithium Batteries in Cold Temperatures, Non-Toxic Solar Cells, and Developing a General Chemistry Laboratory Procedure to Construct and Characterize Pervoskite Solar Cells.
For orientation purposes NSF Poster Barron and Walz Perovskite Solar 2015.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
CERET posters (59 MB, 5 files)
- Developing a General Chemistry Laboratory Procedure to Construct and Characterize Perovskite Solar cells (NSF Poster Barron and Walz Perovskite Solar 2015.pdf 12.3 MB)
- Nano-Particle Coated Lithium Batteries In Acidic Solutions (NSF Poster Koran and Walz Spinels 2014.pdf 27.1 MB)
- A Low Cost Procedure to Explore the Relationship Between Biodiesel Viscosity and Temperature (NSF Poster Morse and Walz biodiesel 2015.pdf 3.7 MB)
- Non-Toxic Solar Cells (NSF Poster Pintor and Walz Perovskite Solar 2016.pdf 11.2 MB)
- Nano-Particle Coated Lithium Batteries in Cold Temperatures (NSF Poster Valazquez and Walz C0ld Batteries 2014.pdf 4.7 MB)
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