CERET Curriculum

These resources are provided by Career Education in Renewable Energy Technology (CERET) and include program and course information for certificates offered at Madison Area Technical College. Information is provided for the following certificates: Bioenergy, Wind Energy Technology, Renewable Energy, and Photovoltaics. Each resource includes a certificate description, admission requirements, requirements for completion, program courses, curriculum, and career potential.
For orientation purposes BioEnergyCertificate2013.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
CERET Certificate Curriculum (664 KB, 4 files)
- Bioenergy Certificate (BioEnergyCertificate2013.pdf 114 KB)
- Photovoltaics Certificate (PhotovoltaicsCertificate2016.pdf 251 KB)
- Renewable Energy Certificate (RenewableEnergyCertificate2016.pdf 242 KB)
- Wind Energy Technology (WindCertificate2016.pdf 46 KB)
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