Strengthening Mobile Application Resources and Technician Training: The SMARTT Project
The daily use of mobile applications has superseded web browsing and is approaching that of television viewing, with growth of more than 50% in recent years. No one technology is growing faster or transforming business activities more than mobile devices. However, development of mobile technology is limited by a shortage of talented developers. By 2024, the number of targeted occupations for Mobile Application Development Technicians in central Ohio is projected to grow by 20%. The Strengthening Mobile Application Resources and Technician Training project (SMARTT) serves the national interest by preparing students to fill this workforce need. SMARTT will develop an education program to meet the increased demand for Mobile Application Development Technicians in the Ohio region and contribute to the diversity of the region's work force.
The SMARTT project will create three deliverables for wide national dissemination. First, the project will create a Mobile Application Development Technology 2+2+2 pathway featuring model articulation agreements from high school to community college and then to university-level baccalaureate programs. Second, a new state-of-the-art curriculum will integrate existing courses with new courses featuring project-based learning and incorporate an experiential learning capstone course and a SMARTT Device Lab. The curriculum will include the design of a collaborative Mobile Design and Development certificate. Third, targeted outreach will focus on underserved populations with specific emphasis on low-income and first generation students as well as veterans. Decisions will be guided by input from an industry advisory committee.
