Ready, Set, Evaluate!

Collection Description:
This collection, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, includes a webinar recording and related resources that cover the role of evaluation in ATE grants. This webinar was "a live Q&A session with a panel of experts who have extensive experience with and diverse perspectives on ATE evaluation." Objectives for this webinar include:
- Answer questions about starting and managing evaluation.
- Share tools that have helped this process.
- Support the launch of your evaluation.
Collection Contents:
This collection includes a webinar recording that runs 1:29:11 minutes in length, a handout for the webinar, and four additional reference documents. The webinar handout provides links to resources and tools that each panelist mentioned. The additional handouts are reference documents for use in developing an evaluation plan. Titles of the handouts include: Questions to Help Analyze an Evaluation Plan, Original Evaluation Plan (October 2008), Destination Problem-Based Learning: Sample Informational Survey, and Comprehensive List of Possible Evaluation Components.
For orientation purposes Handout_2011_ReadySetEvaluate.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this module.
Below is a list of the files included in the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
Ready Set Evaluate (5 files, 1.1 MB)
- Original Plan Evaluation (October 2008) (Doc_2008_EvalPlanEvolution.pdf 321 KB)
- Destination Problem-Based Learning: Sample Informal Email Survey (Doc_2011_Email-Survey.pdf 72 KB)
- Comprehensive List of Possible Evaluation Components (Doc_2011_EvalComponents.pdf 127 KB)
- Questions to Help Analyze an Evaluation Plan (Doc_2011_QsAnalysis.pdf 83 KB)
- Webinar Handout (Handout_2011_ReadySetEvaluate.pdf 482 KB)
About this Resource
