Evaluation: All the Funded ATE Proposals Are Doing It

Collection description:
This collection, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, includes a webinar recording and related resources that cover important elements of winning a evaluation plan. This webinar also provides strategies for showing reviewers that evaluation is an integral part of your project.
Collection contents:
Collection materials include a webinar recording, a logic model template in PowerPoint format, and eight PDF documents that include webinar slides, checklists, a data collection-planning matrix, templates, and information for finding and selecting an evaluator for ATE proposals.
The webinar recording and slides cover the following topics: ATE Program, Project Evaluation, Accountability, Evidence, Improvement, Merit Review Criteria, Proposal Components, Logic Models, Evaluation Questions, Evaluation Plan, What will be measured, How data will be collected, Data Collection Planning Matrix, Evaluation Deliverables and Uses, Budgeting for Evaluation, and more. The recording runs 1:06:45 minutes in length.
For orientation purposes Slides-Aug17Webinar.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this collection.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
Evaluation_All the Funded ATE Proposals Are Doing It (10 files, 17.6 MB)
- Results From Prior NSF Support Checklist (Checklist_PriorSupport_2015.pdf 67 KB)
- Data Collection Planning Matrix (data-plan-matrix-2017-1.pdf 145 KB)
- Evaluation Questions Checklist (eval_questions_checklist-2016-03.pdf 103 KB)
- ATE Proposal Evaluation Plan Template (eval-plan-template-3.pdf 84 KB)
- Evaluation Planning Checklist for ATE Proposals (eval-planning-checklist-2017-2.pdf 160 KB)
- Evaluator Biographical Sketch Template for National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposals (evaluator-biosketch-template.pdf 110 KB)
- Finding and Selecting an Evaluator for Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Proposals (finding-and-selecting-an-evaluator.pdf 143 KB)
- Logic Model Template for ATE Projects and Centers (logic_model_template (1).pptx 103 KB)
- Evaluation-All the funded ATE proposals are doing it (Slides-Aug17Webinar.pdf 16.7 MB)
About this Resource
