Small Project Evaluation: Principles and Practices

This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses principles and practices of small project evaluation. The webinar reviews foundational principles of small project evaluation and discusses strategies for putting these principles into practice for a high-quality, economical, and useful evaluation of a small project. Throughout the webinar, presenters cover how to create or refine a project logic model that accurately represents a project's activities and intended outcomes as a foundation for an evaluation plan, develop evaluation questions that are appropriate for a small project, and identify project process and outcome indicators for answering the evaluation questions.
The webinar recording runs 1:29:16 minutes in length. Supplemental materials include PDF webinar slides and a 1-page PDF handout. The handout includes information and resources about the following topics: strategies for evaluating small juvenile justice programs, logic model template for ATE projects and centers, naked reporting, institutional data, and more.
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