Evaluation of Professional Development Efforts of ATE Projects and Center

This collection, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, incudes reports on a 4-phase study that examined the nature and value of participation of various professional development efforts of ATE projects and centers. Each report details each phase of the study.
Phase I: Project Segmentation was designed to: (1) classify projects along two key dimensions-linkage and scope of activity and (2) purposely sample projects based on their classification. This PDF report is 7-pages.
Phase II: Key Informant Interviews was designed to: (1) validate the classification of projects as described in Phase I, (2) conduct telephone interviews based on the A-E-I-O-U evaluation model with a principal investigator for each of the projects selected in Phase I, (3) collect evidence of program implementation and effectiveness, and (4) elicit names of program participants to serve as the basis for the next phase of the study. This PDF report is 27-pages
Phase III: Participant Survey was designed to: (1) validate select findings from the principal investigator interviews, (2) assess the extent and level of effectiveness that participants were able to implement the ideas and materials received from the professional development activities, (3) gauge the longer term impacts resulting from the activities, and (4) assess the types and amount of support provided to participants to participant in professional development activities. This PDF report is 22-pages.
Phase IV: Best Practices was designed to: (1) identify best practices in the professional development of community college faculty through a literature review and (2) contrast the results of the previous three phases with those best practices. This PDF report is 13-pages.
For orientation purposes Report_Professional_Development_Phase_I_Report.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this collection.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
Report Professional Development (5 files, 934 KB)
- Phase I Report (Report_Professional_Development_Phase_I_Report.pdf 178 KB)
- Phase II Report (Report_Professional_Development_Phase_II_Report.pdf 363 KB)
- Phase III Report (Report_Professional_Development_Phase_III_Report.pdf 274 KB)
- Phase IV (Report_Professional_Development_Phase_IV_Report.pdf 112 KB)
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