Industry Survey Forms Regarding Training/Upskilling Needs

This resource, made available by Manhattan Area Technical College (MATC), is a sample survey designed to "address perceived industry needs for employee training in Critical Environment Technologies (CET)." The Critical Environments Engineering Technology Program at MATC has developed specialized training courses for technicians that work in CET environments which include "laboratories that can keep harmful substances or organisms from escaping and clean rooms that can maintain contaminant-free conditions for manufacturing." This survey, provided in DOC and XLS formats, can be used to assess individual employers' interest in enrolling employees in CET courses. Courses listed on the survey are courses from MATC's Critical Environments Engineering Technology Program.
The survey includes a brief introduction, questions that address training options (such as remote, on campus, or some combination), employers' interest in and resources available for enrolling employees in individual courses, and a space for additional comments. The course list includes 21 options in the following six categories: Safety Courses, Basic Controls, Building Systems Overview (Including Critical Environmental Considerations), Building Automation Systems, CET Commercial HVAC, and CET Building Networks.
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