Geospatial Technology for Educators

This 6-page document, from the BCC Geospatial Center of the CUNY CREST Institute, includes the application form for the summer 2020 Geospatial Technology For Educators workshop. This event was a 10 day hands-on professional development workshop in the Cloud. In addition to the application, this document also includes a questionnaire, a participant agreement letter, and workshop learning objectives and outcomes. The following are the learning objectives and outcomes included:
- provide hands-on exposure in geospatial analysis with a focus on remote sensing,
- training in downloading and installing free open source geospatial software,
- training in using open source geospatial software for performing basic spatial operations.
- discussion, brainstorming, and training in designing a project at the educator's respective institution,
- provide an experience working with geospatial data and analysis in the cloud [Amazon Web Services], and
- networking opportunities and collaborations.
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