Impact Evaluation: Why, What, and How

This webinar, published by Western Michigan University Evaluation Center, introduces impact evaluation and how it can be implemented in ATE projects. Presented by Lyssa W. Becho and Michael Lesiecki, the video covers the basic tenets of impact evaluation, strategies for determining casual attribution, and the resources needed to implement impact evaluation for a project. Presenters begin with an introduction to impact evaluation, unpack some terminology, provide a case study of evaluation at Wood Hollow Community College, differentiate impact from process, host a mid-session Q&A, and explore three evaluation scenarios from Wood Hollow Community College's cybersecurity for all project. These scenarios consider experimental design, logical analysis, and asking participants about their experiences. The presentation concludes with three questions to determine causality.
The webinar recording runs 1:00:21 minutes in length. Webinar slides and a webinar handout are included. The 1-page handout provides the three questions to determine causality.
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