Teaching With a GIS Toolkit

This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, provides three presentations about the suite of web-based tools in the ArcGIS School Bundle. In the first presentation, Judith Bock explores the integration of geospatial technologies into AP Human Geography courses. Bock highlights a curriculum framework for educators, StoryMaps, ArcGIS Online skills, and more. In the second presentation, Michael Wagner explores the use of StoryMaps in K-12 classrooms to build interactive lessons for assessments. Example StoryMaps are provided. In the final presentation, Dominique Evans-Bye discusses the Career Technical Education GIS Pathway at Clark Magna High School and an environmental GIS capstone course. Arpi Keshishian then describes the process students use to develop a project and demos a student presentation.
The video recording runs 46:36 minutes in length. Additional videos from the summit are available to view separately.