This video presentation provided by the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge (NACK) Center explores the global chip shortage. In the video, Valinda Scarbro Kennedy highlights technological trends and challenges issues with data; post Covid-19 challenges for the electronics industry; the semiconductor industry and industry and educational solutions to the chip shortage. IBM global university programs are an example of this solution. The IBM Academic Initiative, Skills Academy, University Awards, and University Guest Lectures are highlighted. IBM resources, software, courseware, and badges in data science are also explored. Kennedy also discusses how historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in the United States can provide a solution for the semiconductor industry's chip shortage since they provide over 27% of STEM graduates in the United States while educating only 10% of the African Americans in higher education.

The video recording runs 1:00:42 minutes in length. An audio recording and presentation slides are also provided.

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