IT Trends 2021-2022

These resources are provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC). Resources include four one-page flyers that were developed at the request of member schools in the National CTC's IT educator community of practice, known as the "CCN" (Convergence College Network), to help support their local high school programs. These short "executive summaries" of BILT meeting trends discussions were created to keep faculty current on IT industry trends. Faculty are then able to leverage these perspectives in the classroom. The ultimate goal is to convince high school IT programs of the value of CCN membership and persuade them to join.
For orientation purposes IT trends 2021.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this collection.
Below is a list of files included in the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
IT Trends 2021-2022 (11.2 MB)
- IT Trends Fall 2021 (IT Trends fall 2021.pdf 145 KB)
- IT Trends Fall 2022 (IT trends fall 2022.pdf 10.1 MB)
- IT Trends Spring 2022 (IT trends spring 2022.pdf 461 KB)
- IT Trends Summer 2021 (IT trends summer 2021.pdf 466 KB)
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