Dairy Waste to Power

This collection from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) is composed of teaching materials that highlight a lesson on dairy waste and power. The lesson examines Wisconsin and the potential use of biogas as a renewable energy resource. The collection is composed of five documents and five videos.
The documents include an answer key, instructor's guide, student response guide, and two standards documents. The answer key provides answers to the student assessment. The instructor's guide provides learning objectives, an overview of the topic and lesson, and activity and teacher notes. The student lesson and response guide provides an assessment with a list of questions about biogas. The standards documents explore energy literacy principles and concepts, as well as next generation high school science standards.
The videos explore the conversion of dairy waste to biogas as a renewable energy source for the state of Wisconsin. In video 1, an overview of utilizing cow waste as a renewable energy source and other uses are highlighted, alongside information on the dairy industry. Video 2 explores a dairy farm with an anaerobic digester. Information on the way in which farmers also recycle products from other industries, details on nutrient runoff, eutrophication, and more topics are explored. Video 3 examines cow waste and its properties, as well as the characteristics of an anaerobic digester, alongside other topics. Video 4 describes the conversion of biogas to electricity. Video 5 concludes the video series and reflects on the benefits and uses of biogas, retrieved from dairy industry waste.
For orientation purposes the '508_dairy-waste-to-power-student-response-guide.pdf' PDF is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of the material included in this module.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. Files are listed with their file name and size in parenthesis.
508_Dairy_Waste_to_Power (10 files, 385 MB)
- Instructor's Answer Key (508_dairy-waste-to-power-instructor_s-answer-key.pdf 1 MB)
- Instructor's Guide (508_dairy-waste-to-power-instructor_s-guide.pdf 144 KB)
- Student Response Guide (508_dairy-waste-to-power-student-response-guide.pdf 1 MB)
- Energy Literacy Standards (508_elstandards-dairy-waste-to-power.pdf 64 KB)
- Next Generation Science Standards (508_ngsstandards-dairy-waste-to-power.pdf 80 KB)
- Video 2 (Dairy Waste to Power Video # 2.mp4 118 MB)
- Video 3 (Dairy Waste to Power Video # 3.mp4 171 MB)
- Video 4 (Dairy Waste to Power Video # 4.mp4 52 MB)
- Video 5 (Dairy Waste to Power Video # 5.mp4 20 MB)
- Video 1 (Dairy Waste to Power Video #1.mp4 21 MB)
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