Incorporating Virtual Reality into Advanced Manufacturing Technician Education at a Rural Community College

This project aims to serve the national interest by advancing engineering technology education programs through the incorporation of virtual reality activities at a rural community college. Most significantly, this project will increase the number of skilled technicians that are prepared to enter careers in the advanced manufacturing industry with a specific focus on preparing students for jobs in the growing semiconductor manufacturing industry in the region. A significant focus of the project will be on increasing students' and incumbent workers' awareness and ability to work with automation equipment used in semiconductor manufacturing clean rooms. Further, the project will provide training opportunities that simulate automation equipment in a factory environment using virtual reality when physical equipment is unavailable or cost prohibitive. The coupling of both hands-on and virtual reality training will serve as an engaging method to cultivate rural students' interest in the manufacturing industry as a viable career path.

This project will build on existing engineering technology programs through the incorporation of virtual reality into two-year college courses that are aligned with industry needs. The specific goals of the project are to 1) increase students' ability to work with advanced automation equipment typically used in semiconductor manufacturing clean rooms; 2) provide technical virtual reality training to college and high school instructors; 3) increase program enrollment and retention of rural students and women pursuing degrees and certificates in engineering technology, and 4) pilot virtual reality-based advanced manufacturing modules as a tool for workforce training. A formal evaluation will be conducted to assess project activities and outcomes with a focus on contributing to the body of knowledge on preparing skilled technicians to support the advanced manufacturing industry. A targeted dissemination plan will be carried out that shares project results including recruitment strategies, curriculum, technology, and specialized training activities with similar two-year colleges and with the technical education community at the national level.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
July 1st, 2023
ATE Expiration Date
June 30th, 2026
ATE Principal Investigator
Elizabeth Azhikannickal
Primary Institution
Marion Technical College
Record Type
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