This webinar and accompanying informational packet, published by EvaluATE, provide information about evaluation plans for National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grant programs. In the webinar, presenters discuss the essential elements of an evaluation plan and how to integrate evaluation with the other elements of your proposal. The webinar explores practical strategies for writing evaluation questions, identifying evaluation indicators, and developing evaluation data matrixes.

The 36-page packet provides information on writing an effective evaluation plan for pre-award NSF ATE grant seekers. Included are the following sections:

  1. Toolkit for Pre-Award ATE Evaluation
  2. Guide to Navigating the Evaluator Procurement Process
  3. Finding and Selecting an Evaluator for ATE Proposals
  4. Getting to Know an Evaluator: What Should I Ask?
  5. Results from Prior NSF Support Checklist

This webinar runs 50:30 minutes in length. Presentation slides are also included.

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